
實習單位所在地地址: Mercer University
負責聯絡人電話 & e-mail: 770-331-9560
實際實習的日期: 104629日至728

交通狀況:□轎車機車腳踏 □ 走路
實習津貼狀況:  □ ,  ;固定每個月給      元或視工作狀態給付      略說明   ;  其他            
實習時住宿狀況:  □住家裡自行租屋處 □
單位免費供宿單位供宿須自                  Tea  time□其他               
實習時膳食狀況:  □ 自行處理單位免費供餐單位供餐須自費 Tea  time 略說明   
其他一同實習學校 名稱 、系別 人數 :

皆是寫報告及準備 PPT 還有做實驗
專題報告為有關 Georgia 近期修改的法律及有
 PDA 的一篇 paper 一個 summary
實習內容(若有 Schedule 請附上):  包括

1.   部門及時間
時間皆為 0900-1700
2.   參與工作內容及特色
Mercer Drug Information Center,  Georgia Pharmacy  Association Annual Conference, Mercer Residents Shadowing,  Pharmacogenomics Lab, Walgreens Pharmacy

Mercer Drug Information Center
I think the experience is good looking at the paper, discussing the article, and writing a blog. But I think can try to let the student to answer the question on the InpharmD so that I won’t stay lots of time doing nothing cause i finish the blog only for two days but dont know what to do the rest othe day so maybe can give me the experience of answering the question. But of course really thankto Dr. Advani because he teach me a lot.

I only went to the Tech village one time I think the place can only be one day schedule and look what they are doing because I think we can’t help them a lot. But still learn what they are doiniwas quite excited.

Georgia Pharmacists Convention
Its a good experience to meet different people from different places and talk with them about the future career. I think it is fun, and also the lesson in the convention is useful. So i think it will be a good place for the future exchange student to be here.

Mercer Residents Shadowing
Shadowing with the Residents is fun and Dr.Kinsey ask me to write a report about the new law of
Georgia and the drug abuse. I think it was a good experience.

Pharmacogenomics Lab
The experiment was quite good because I read the article of all about the experiment and know what they were doing and then went to the lab. In the lab the student taught me a lot and let me do all the things by myself.

I think this is a great opportunity to see the retail pharmacy because i heard that the law in US is very strict in the pharmacy so i think it was a great chance to see the community pharmacy in different country. It was a great experience and the intern taught me a lot too.

I really thanks to the IPSF for giving me the chance and the APhA that give me a chance for shadow observing and let me have more idea to know what I am going to do in the future. Thanks to IPSF wish to help more for the program.

覺得出國出去看看不錯但前提是要自己準備好且多參加活動才能讓國外的人錄取你,所以學 弟妹加油吧,期待你們也可以我一樣去美國走走畢竟這也是全世界難得的機會。
GPhA conference
residency professor
Little five point pharmacy
Labs professor
Emory Hospital shadowing
Picture with the Mercer sign



牙醫五 游智傑

醫學系 林默涵-科隆大學交換實習
