張鳳書 高醫-哈佛交換見習心得
研習期間:97.03.31~97.04.27 研習學生:醫學院 醫學系 張鳳書 研習地點:美國 波士頓 哈佛大學 研習類別:高醫-哈佛交換見習 Since Year 1 in KMU, going to Harvard as an exchange student in year 5-6 was my dream. My friend and I attended the gathering for seniors that have been to Harvard and are giving speeches on their experiences during the exchange in Harvard. It sounded like a great chance to see one of the most prestigious medical school in the states. To see what is out there and learn from the best of the best. As a young and motivated student, that was my only goal. That was the source of my motivation since year 1. On 2008 April, my dream came true. I am going to Harvard, I went to Harvard. Be prepared, socialize, work with the team, stay curious, be active, have fun and enjoy every moment are some key points to which I think are very important to optimize our learning experience at our exchange in Harvard medical school. Staying curious is one of the most essential things to the exchange program. Always ask questions if there a...