
103 12 1
就讀校院(科系所):高雄醫學大學公共衛生學系 碩士班研究生
會議時間、地點:1031110~1031121 United States of America美國 紐澳良
(中文) 142 屆美國健康公共學會
(英文) 142th APHA Annual Meeting
(中文) 青少年含糖飲料攝取對代謝症候群罹患情況之影響
(英文) Effects of sugar-sweetened beverages consumption on adolescent
metabolic syndrome


Friday, November 14
GLPHC Business Meeting  and Candidates  Forum

Saturday, November 15
Plenary session 1 - Society for the Analysis of African American Public Health Issues Annual Meeting
Plenary session 2 - Affiliate  Day/Affiliate New Leaders   Orientation to APHA
Concurrent Contributed  Session 1 - Institute  of Medicine Regional Disaster Response Workshop
Concurrent Contributed Session 2 - 10th Annual Student Meeting

Sunday,  November 16
Plenary session 1 –Certified in Public Health (CPH) Review Course
Plenary session 2 –Opening General Session features Pulitzer  Prize winning author Isabel Wilkerson
Concurrent Contributed Session 1 –Biostatistics for non-statisticians
Concurrent Contributed Session 2 - How to use Healthy People 2020 to achieve your goals: New  online implementation tools
Poster session 1 –Access to Transportation for Chittenden  County Vermont Senior Citizens
Poster session 2 -  Knowledge, Benefits, and Concerns about the Affordable Care Act for Individuals  Across the Lifespan

Monday,  November 17
Plenary session 1 –Neighborhood  Disadvantage  and Drinking Patterns Over Time
Plenary session 2 –Mobilizing State Action to Prevent Prescription  Opioid Misuse, Abuse  & Overdose
Concurrent Contributed Session 1 –Late  Breaking  Developments in Public Health
Concurrent Contributed  Session 2 - Kick-off for Adolescent Health: Think, Act, Grow
Poster session 1 –Correlates of Physical Activity  Among Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
Poster session 2 - Using Descriptive and Multivariate Analysis to Understand an Increase in Congenital Syphilis  within an Incident Command  Structure
Scientific Sessions (Oral and Roundtable)  1 -  A Qualitative  and Quantitative Study of perspectives and experiences  of Bolivian health scientists, researchers, faculty, and students related to research ethics
Scientific Sessions (Oral and Roundtable)  2 - Effects of sugar-sweetened beverages consumption on adolescent metabolic syndrome

Tuesday,  November 18
Plenary session 1 –Field Report: Recent Innovations in Youth Prevention Strategies and Peer Crowd Targeting
Plenary session 2 –Practice-Based Training for the Public Health Workforce
Concurrent Contributed Session 1 – Public Health Policy  Process: Formulating  and Implementing National Agendas in Public Health
Concurrent Contributed Session 2 - Incorporating Health into Housing Decisions: Potential Health Implications for Low-income Seniors and Persons  with Disabilities
Poster session 1 – Mixed-Methods Evaluation of a Randomized Control-Trial  Community Health Worker Intervention to Improve Diabetes Management in the New York City Bangladeshi  Community
Poster session 2 –HPV vaccination barriers among Korean Americans in Southern California
Scientific Sessions (Oral and Round table) 1 – A gene by any other name doesn't smell as sweet: Identifying  and correcting mislabeled gene  names in genomic databases
Scientific Sessions (Oral and Round table) 2 - Understanding Child Illness Care Seeking in Bauchi State Nigeria, a baseline for improved access and quality

T, November 19
Plenary session 1 –Health  Services Utilization, Costs, and Quality
Plenary session 2 –Weakening  or Strengthening Alcohol Regulation? Examining Legislative and Industry Initiatives
Concurrent Contributed Session 1 –Medicare and Medicaid Policy
Concurrent Contributed Session 2 - Deliver the Help They Need: Effective  Cessation Treatment for All Populations
Poster session 1 –Assessment of the beverage environment at restaurants, corner stores and supermarkets  using the newly  developed   NEMS - B tool
Poster session 2 –"Is Silk  open tonight?": Lessons learned from Project Silk, an HIV prevention demonstration project for young African American MSM and  transgender people
Scientific Sessions (Oral and Round table)  1 –New Vitality: Health Promotion for Successful Aging
Scientific Sessions (Oral and Round table)  2 -  Household Structure and  Weak Social Networks Increase Risk of Recurrent Vascular Events

這是第一次到海外參加研討會,所有的事情都很新鮮。經過將近 15 個小時的飛機,飛越國際換日線,輾轉抵達美國-紐奧良。這是一個文化氣息濃厚的城市,當地居民以黑人為主,觀光業為主要的營收,因此可見到來自各國不同的人種。這裡的步調不像台灣那般緊湊,只要坐上街車(StreetCar),就可以隨著軌道探望城市一圈。研討會於紐奧良的 convention center舉辦,日期訂在 2014 11 17 日下午 2 45 分至下午 3 點,以口頭方式發表,標題為 Effectsof sugar-sweetened  beverages  consumption on adolescent metabolic syndrome。以橫斷式研究設計進行一系列有關於青少年含糖飲料攝取,與代謝症候群之學術探討。研究結果發現含糖飲料攝取與代謝症候群存在相關性,含糖飲料攝取量高的個案,罹患代謝症候群的風險較含糖飲料攝取量低者高;一天攝取含糖飲料大於 500 cc 的男性青少年,相較於沒有攝取含糖飲料習慣的男性青少年,罹患代謝症候群的風險為 5.1 倍。此次研討會對於本身受益良多,除增加自己語言表達機會外,尚可增廣各地探討公共衛生議題之見聞。

三、考察參觀活動(無是項活動者省略) 參加研討會前,先到位於紐奧良的杜蘭大學公共衛生學院參觀。



牙醫五 游智傑

醫學系 林默涵-科隆大學交換實習
